How to Use Bold, Italics and Strikethrough in WhatsApp Messages

How to Use Bold, Italics and Strikethrough in WhatsApp Messages

WhatsApp has become an indispensable tool for staying connected with friends, family, and colleagues. While the app's primary function is to facilitate text-based conversations, it also offers a range of formatting options that can enhance the way you convey your messages. One of the most useful features is the ability to apply bold, italics, and strikethrough formatting to your text. These simple yet effective tools can help you emphasize key points, convey tone, and add visual interest to your messages.

How to use bold formatting in WhatsApp messages

Adding bold formatting to your WhatsApp messages is a straightforward process. To make a word or phrase bold, simply enclose it with an asterisk (*) on both sides. For example, typing *bold text* will result in bold text. This formatting technique is particularly useful when you want to draw attention to specific words or phrases within your message.

Here are a few tips for using bold formatting effectively:

1. Highlight Important Information: Use bold formatting to emphasize crucial details, such as deadlines, important names, or key instructions. This can help ensure that the recipient doesn't overlook critical information.

2. Create Visual Hierarchy: By selectively applying bold formatting to headings or subheadings, you can create a clear visual hierarchy within your message, making it easier for the reader to scan and comprehend the content.

3. Emphasize Key Points: When making a list or outlining key points, bold formatting can be used to make the main ideas stand out, ensuring that they are not lost in the surrounding text.

Tips for using bold formatting effectively

1. Use Sparingly: While bold formatting can be an effective tool, overusing it can make your message appear cluttered and difficult to read. Strike a balance by applying bold formatting judiciously and only where it truly adds value.

2. Consider Context: The appropriate use of bold formatting may vary depending on the context of your conversation. In formal or professional settings, it's generally advisable to use bold formatting more sparingly than in casual conversations with friends or family.

3. Combine with Other Formatting: For added emphasis or visual interest, consider combining bold formatting with other options like italics or strikethrough formatting. However, be cautious not to overdo it, as excessive formatting can make your message appear messy or difficult to follow.

How to use italics formatting in WhatsApp messages

Italics formatting is another valuable tool in WhatsApp's formatting arsenal. To italicize a word or phrase, simply enclose it with an underscore (_) on both sides. For example, typing _italicized text_ will result in italicized text. This formatting option is particularly useful for conveying tone, emphasizing certain words, or setting apart quotes or references within your message.

Here are some tips for using italics formatting effectively:

1. Convey Tone: Italics can be used to convey tone or emotion in your messages. For example, you can italicize words to indicate sarcasm, emphasis, or a specific inflection.

2. Highlight Quotes or References: When quoting someone or referencing a specific source, italics formatting can help set those elements apart from the rest of your message, making them more easily identifiable.

3. Emphasize Certain Words: Similar to bold formatting, italics can be used to emphasize specific words or phrases within your message, drawing the reader's attention to those elements.

Tips for using italics formatting effectively

1. Maintain Readability: While italics can add visual interest to your messages, overusing this formatting option can make your text more difficult to read, especially in longer messages. Use italics judiciously and only where it truly enhances the meaning or tone of your message.

2. Consider Context: As with bold formatting, the appropriate use of italics may vary depending on the context of your conversation. In formal or professional settings, it's generally advisable to use italics formatting more sparingly than in casual conversations with friends or family.

3. Combine with Other Formatting: Like bold formatting, italics can be combined with other formatting options, such as bold or strikethrough formatting, to create additional emphasis or visual interest. However, be cautious not to overdo it, as excessive formatting can make your message appear cluttered and difficult to follow.

How to use strikethrough formatting in WhatsApp messages

Strikethrough formatting is a lesser-known but potentially useful option in WhatsApp's formatting toolkit. To apply strikethrough formatting to a word or phrase, enclose it with a tilde (~) on both sides. For example, typing ~strikethrough text~ will result in strikethrough text. This formatting option can be particularly useful for indicating that something has been removed, crossed out, or is no longer relevant.

Here are some tips for using strikethrough formatting effectively:

1. Indicate Corrections or Revisions: If you need to correct or revise something in your message, you can use strikethrough formatting to cross out the original text and provide the updated information. This can help maintain clarity and avoid confusion.

2. Cross Out Completed Tasks: In a conversation about tasks or to-do lists, strikethrough formatting can be used to cross out items that have been completed, providing a clear visual indication of progress.

3. Highlight Outdated or Irrelevant Information: If you need to refer to outdated or irrelevant information within your message, strikethrough formatting can help distinguish it from the current or relevant content, preventing misunderstandings.

Tips for using strikethrough formatting effectively

1. Use Judiciously: While strikethrough formatting can be a useful tool, overusing it can make your message appear cluttered and difficult to read. Reserve this formatting option for situations where it truly adds value or clarity to your message.

2. Consider Context: As with other formatting options, the appropriate use of strikethrough formatting may vary depending on the context of your conversation. In formal or professional settings, it's generally advisable to use strikethrough formatting sparingly, if at all.

3. Combine with Other Formatting: Strikethrough formatting can be combined with other options like bold or italics formatting to create additional emphasis or visual interest. However, be cautious not to overdo it, as excessive formatting can make your message appear messy or difficult to follow.

Other formatting options in WhatsApp messages

While bold, italics, and strikethrough are the primary formatting options available in WhatsApp, the app also offers a few additional formatting tools that can enhance your messages. These include:

1. Monospace Formatting: To apply monospace formatting to a word or phrase, enclose it with backticks (`). This formatting option is useful for displaying code snippets or preserving the spacing and alignment of text.

2. Inline Code Formatting: Similar to monospace formatting, inline code formatting is achieved by enclosing text with backticks (`). This option is particularly useful for sharing small snippets of code or displaying technical terms or commands within your message.

3. Bulleted Lists: To create a bulleted list, simply start each line with an asterisk (*) followed by a space. This formatting option can help organize and present information in a clear and concise manner.

4. Numbered Lists: To create a numbered list, start each line with a number followed by a period and a space. This formatting option is useful for presenting step-by-step instructions or ordered lists of items.

Common mistakes to avoid when using formatting in WhatsApp messages

While formatting options can enhance the clarity and visual appeal of your WhatsApp messages, it's important to use them judiciously and avoid common pitfalls. Here are some mistakes to watch out for:

1. Overusing Formatting: Excessive use of formatting can make your message appear cluttered, difficult to read, and potentially overwhelming. Stick to using formatting sparingly and only where it truly adds value or clarity.

2. Inconsistent Formatting: Applying different formatting styles (e.g., bold, italics, strikethrough) to the same type of content within a single message can create confusion and detract from the overall readability. Aim for consistency in your formatting choices.

3. Incorrect Syntax: Failing to properly enclose text with the correct syntax (e.g., using the wrong characters or forgetting to close the formatting markers) can result in unintended formatting or even prevent the formatting from working altogether. Double-check your syntax before sending your message.

4. Ignoring Context: While formatting options can be used in various contexts, it's important to consider the appropriateness of your formatting choices based on the specific conversation or setting. Overusing formatting in formal or professional settings, for example, may be perceived as unprofessional or distracting.

Read More: Aplicación Para Hacer Texto De Color En el Chat De WhatsApp


Mastering the use of bold, italics, and strikethrough formatting in WhatsApp messages can greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively and convey your intended meaning. By selectively applying these formatting options, you can emphasize key points, convey tone, and add visual interest to your messages. Remember to use these formatting tools judiciously, maintain consistency, and consider the context of your conversations to ensure that your messages are clear, concise, and easy to understand.

To fully leverage the power of formatting in WhatsApp, explore the app's other formatting options, such as monospace formatting, inline code formatting, bulleted lists, and numbered lists. By combining these tools effectively, you can elevate your messaging game and communicate with greater clarity and impact. Don't hesitate to experiment and find the formatting combinations that work best for your communication needs.


1. Can I use bold, italics, and strikethrough formatting in WhatsApp group chats? Yes, all of the formatting options discussed in this article can be applied in WhatsApp group chats as well as individual conversations.

2. Do these formatting options work on all devices and platforms? Yes, the bold, italics, and strikethrough formatting options are supported across all devices and platforms that run WhatsApp, including iOS, Android, and desktop/web versions.

3. Can I combine multiple formatting options on the same text? Yes, you can combine different formatting options like bold, italics, and strikethrough on the same text. However, be mindful of not overusing formatting, as it can make your message appear cluttered and difficult to read.

4. Is there a limit to how much text I can format in a single WhatsApp message? While there is no specific character limit for formatted text, excessively long messages with extensive formatting may become difficult to read or display properly on certain devices or platforms.

5. Can I use formatting options in WhatsApp voice messages or status updates? No, the formatting options discussed in this article are only applicable to text-based messages in WhatsApp. Voice messages and status updates do not support these formatting options.